Poetry In Love Biography
Loud, Chatty, Athletic, Funny
Cousin to J.D.
Lover of Music, Farm Animals and Shopping
Who Feels Happy, Tired and Bored
Who Needs Friends, Family, and Farm Animals
Who Fears, War, Tornados, and Evil Spirits
who gives Happiness Laughter and Joy
Who would like to see Rome, Paris and Washington D.C
Resident of Potomac
Athletic, funny quiet, tall
Sister to Travis
Lover of Basketball, animals and music
Who feels very happy and feels like dancing and playing basketball
Who fears losing my friends and family, never being happy and war
Who gives smiles, joy to other people, and happiness
Who would like to see war come to an end, and see Paris and Rome
Resident of Potomac
Plays Sports, Short, likes skateboarding, curious
Kid of Tammy, brother of Mike
Lover of Spanish, nature and hunting
Who feels alot for cars, snowboarding and going on planes
Who needs time for fun, time to think and watch movies
Who fears math, sharks and school
Who gives effort to work, advice, kindness.
Who would like to see different states, different kinds of cars, animals
Resident of Potomac
Disorganized, enthuziastic, loud talkative
Daughter of Kerry
Lover of lasogna, soccer and acting
who feels like shopping, takling and acting
Who needs the spotlight, love and peace
Who fears death, ghosts and being alone
Who gives advice and friendship
Who would like to see the Big Apple, Africa and Hollywood
Resident of the United States
Sweet, loving, kind and beautiful
Daughter of Chris and Angie
Lover of animals, life and nature
Who feels lost without a father, Scared of what might happen next
and sad for the love her mother lost.
Who needs a faterh, an angel and a miracle
Who fears death, the life a head of her and losing
Who gives love for a mother, advice for lost ones, and all she has to give to the world
Who whould like to see her father again, the light of heaven
and the heart of an angel.
Resident of Potomac
Athletic, loud, patient and creative
Sister to Justin
Lover of ballet, dogs and the ocean
Who feels greatly for family, dance and pets
Who needs companionship, time for myself, and dance
Who fears spiders, earthquakes and disapointing people
Who gives company, advise when people ask for it, and help
Who would liek to see a tropical place, the coral reef and Egypt
Resident of Alaska
Daughter of Carolyn
Love of music, Ethan and shopping
Who feels love for music, dislike of rap and love for our country
Who needs laughter, love and happiness
Who fears neatness, spiders and bees
Who gives love, companionship and laughter
Who would like to see world peace, love and an end to world hunger
Resident of Potomac
Short, likes hunting, fishing and dirt biking
Relative of Kari Ann
Who likes Maz (my dog), snowmobiles and parents
Who Feels little for school, a need for higher teacher pay and love for life
Who feels support for war in Irac, lover of animals and friendship
Resident of Spring Field Massachusets
Tired, bored, tall and smart
Telative of Dawn
Lover of skating, planes and sleeping
Who feels playing the computer, being nice to family and likes eating
Who needs money, time to sleep and things to do
Who fears my mother, snakes and lightning
Who gives food, headaches, happiness
Who would like to see the clock
Resident of Misoula
Perky, hard headed, outspoken and compassionate
Sister to Renee`
Lover of horses, sheep and nature
Who feels little for animal abusers, nothing for drugs and little for criminals
Who needs compassion, family and love
Who fears unfinished work, being bucked of a horse, failure
Who gives support to family, love to friends, support to USA
Who would like to see Australia, Washington D.C. and Europe
Resident of Potoamc
Curious, compassionate, unselfish and helping
Brother of Wacey
Lover of Ralph, Kitty and Wacey
Who feels a lot for basketball, love for the Denver Broncos, love for family
who needs friends, time to have fun, basketball
Who fears ticks, spiders, and the broncos not in the playoffs
Who gives his best at school, basketball and being a good person
Who would like to see my family happy, a pro basketball game and a pro football game
Resident of Potomac, Montana
Funny, outgoing, carzy and loud
Cousin of Angela
Lover of cats, music and dance
Who feels the need for more education,
higher pay for teachers and little for self-centered people
Who needs friends, education and love
Who fears bees, heights, and dying
Who givers her heart to animals, friends and loved ones
Who would like to see space, the world and Spain
Resident of New York
Caring, Funny, Playful and Smart
Brianca Siter of
Lover of life, animals and books
Who feels happy, hungry and full of life
Who needs support, love and books
Who fears bears, dark and hate
Who gives care, love and understanding
Who would like to see peace, the solar system and Grandpa
Resident of Seeley/ Placid Lake and Phantasana
Hard Headed, curious, patriotic and merciful
Brother of Mark and son of Mark senior
Lover of Hummers, writing, basketball and cats
Who feels glad, not to confident and fondness for rap
Who needs more friends, to swim and a Hummer
Who fears publicity, marylin manson and poinsonous spiders
Who gives support, knowledge and no respect for our government
Who would like to see President Bush Retire, world peace and all people free
Resident of Potomac
Friendly, quiet, understanding, and helpful
Relative of Russ and Diane
Love of nature, animals and science
Who feels great joy in helping, calm around friends and alive in the country
Who needs friends, open spaces and clear skies
Who fears a crowded room, bad grades, and claustrophobia
Who gives support to friends and family
Love towards family and assistance to teachers
Who would like to see world peace, less teasing, and more helpfulness towards others
Resident of Potomac Montana
Athletic, caring, thoughtful, helpful
Cousin of Levi
Lover of running, basketball and my parents
Who feels compasion for those who have only known war
Who feels angry that prejudice still exista and glad that I life in America
Who needs friends, security and to be loved
Who fears dying young, war and not doing my best
Who gives support to my friends, love to my family and care to the world around me
Who would like to see the Ifle Tower, peace on Earth and equality of everyone
Resident of Potomac
Athletic, compassionate, sweet, thoughful
Sister of Justin
Lover of basketball, music, dogs
Who needs music friends and family
Who feels love, sadness, and kindness
Who fears heights and losing people
who gives suggestions encouragement and smiles
Who would like to see her great grandparents
Resident of Labyrinth
Likes Dodge, RC and four wheel drive stuff
Cousin to Bobby
Lover of our truck, my truck and driving
Feels he needs money, he wants ot work, likes driving his truck
Who needs gas for his RC truck, a servo and alot of money
Who fears blowing up his RC truck, not getting a license before he is 17
Who gives a jog ot Brian, Brian a paycheck, jerky to his friends
Who would like to see the forest fires end, a brand new Dodge Ram in my driveway
Would like to also see gas prices go down
Resident of Missoula, Montana
Kind, nice, crazy and smart
Lover of Scott, Mom and animals
Who feels a lot for money, love for family and kindness for animals
Who needs to learn, time to hang with Scott and time to sleep
Who fears lightning, thunder and cops
Who gives support of the president, money to homeless and love
Who would like to see Hawaii, world peace and seeing the president
Resident of Fremont
Four Traits, Golf, Welding, Trucks and guns
Relative of and son of Floyd
Lover of shot guns, driving in woods, cutting firewood and riding snow cats
Who feels for family, the country, passion for making things
Who needs time to be alone, things to do and food
Who fears disease, getting old and cities
Who gives help, friendship and laughs
Who would like to see forest fires getting put out, making some kind of record
Who works to be a hard worker
Resident of Potomac
Tall, smart, funny, tallented
Relative of Uncle Mikey
Lover of Orlando Bloom, active, and swimming
Who feels pasionate about shopping, going to movies and acting
Who needs attention, love and care
Who fears heights, small spaces and death
Who gives smiles, hugs and warmth
who would like to see world peace, Orlando Bloom and a world without fear
Resident of Orlando Land
Son of Greg and Chriss
Likes to ride bikes and wating TV and hiking
fells very bored, angry and mad
Needs to go hunting, hiking and to skip school
Who would like to skip school and climbing cliffs
Who would like to see New York and Germany
Resident of Missoula
Funny, nice, pretty and kind
Daughter of George and Amy Gould
Lover of pets, family and pigs
Who feels happy, chatty and a love for pigs
Who needs money, friends and ice cream
Who fears snakes, house fires, and being stolen
Who gives to people in need, car to pets and food
Who would like to see the world changed, Lily and Angela
Resident of Potomac
Works on motors, dirt bikes golfs and swims
Relative of Megan and Morgan
Love of riding dirt bikes, Dad and dogs
Feels for family, dogs and dirt bikes
Who needs dirtbikes and snowmobiles
Fears disease, viruses and dieing
Who would like to see less school, fires being put out
Resident of Potomac, Montana
Funny, athletic, blond, respectful
Daughter of Mike and Margie
Lover of my family, basketball and snowboarding
Who feels like having a Ford Mustand, bad for abused children and loved
Who needs friends, family and an education
Who fears heights, most scary movies, dying not by natureal causes
Who gives happiness, support and love
Who would like to go to space, see Earth from a distance, and a volcano erupt
Resident of Potomac
Funny, Sweet, Nice and Cool
Grandaughter of Lori
Lover of Music, Shopping and Volleyball
Who feels lover for music, animals and friends
Who needs fun, love and happiness
Who fears snakes, spiders, and heights
Who gives smiles, fun and laughter
Who would like to see Paris, Rome and Washington D.C.
Resident of Potomac
Deep thinking, down to Earth, Artistic, Creative
Daughter of Kelly
Lover of Animals, rain and the night
Who feels little for tree hugers , compassion for famliy and fondness of rain
Who needs friends, family and something to write.
Who fears drowning, torture and fear itself
Who gives support to firefighters, orphanages and hard working people
Who would like to see unity, freedom and rock concerts
Resident of Earth
Unique, annoying, quiet, thoughful
Brother of Kristina
Lover of toys, anime and books
Who feels out of place, cramped, weak
Who needs food, shelter & water because everything else is just a want
Who fears death, pain, nuclear warfare
Who gives time, assistance and compasion
Who would like to see a clean future, better television and world peace
Resident of the Potomac valley
Very hard headed, honest, sporty, stubornly nice
Cousin of Cody
Lover of friends, sports, family
Who feels little for snots, criminals and fond of pretty much any kind of music
Who needs respect, my own time, true friendships
Who fears spiders, hights and some large crouds of people I don't know
Who gives support to all friends or people that look really down
Who gives money to family to pay bills and others in need
Who gives advice to anyone that needs it
Who would like to see all the wars end, and all prices go down in stores and wages go up
Resident of Missoula, Montana
Relative of Kelsey, Shannon, and Eddy
Who likes hunting, deer hunting, mountain lion hunting
Happy when hunting season starts and good when I got an elk
Feels good when I catch a fish
Hunting, Family and Hapiness
Fears snakes, public speaking and needles
Feels support for hunting, little concern for hippies and little concern for cities
Resident of Potomac, Montana
Smart, nice, funny, short
Brother of Megan and Morgan the twins
Dirtbiking, riding bicycles, playing basketball
Who feels for playing video games, caring for your family and animals
Who needs money, friends and family
Who fears lighting, friends and fighting
Who gives attention to poor people, happiness and nothing to enemies
Who would like to see everyone happy, everyone have freedome and to get along
Resident of Missoula
Disorganized, enthuziastic, loud talkative
Daughter of Kerry
Lover of lasogna, soccer and acting
who feels like shopping, takling and acting
Who needs the spotlight, love and peace
Who fears death, ghosts and being alone
Who gives advice and friendship
Who would like to see the Big Apple, Africa and Hollywood
Resident of the United States
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/

Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/

Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/

Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/

Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/

Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
Poetry In Love http://poetrylovesmsimages.blogspot.com/
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